
How are Predictive Analytics related to Performance?

A few months ago, I posted a video blog to start a conversation around the term "Analytics".

I had asked you:
• How are "Analytics" unique?
• How are they different from "Key Performance Indicators"?
• What part of the organization should own "Analytics" development?

Many of you responded with great suggestions that benefited the community (please see the 2 min-video blog @ http://tinyurl.com/26sfuxo).

This time, I'm asking you to participate in a new conversation ahead of my Keynote at Predictive Analytics World next week (For more information on the conference, check http://tinyurl.com/bruno-at-PAWDC2010).

Here is a very simple question:
• In your opinion, how are Predictive Analytics related to Performance?

Looking forward to your comments! (You can send them via tweets to twitter.com/brunoaziza or emails to bruno@brunoaziza.com)